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Winter 2010

The Treehouse

Out “n” About   - Treehouse Resort

Website:  www.treehouses.com

Located: Cave Junction, Oregon.


To date myself I would say I have loved this particular tree house the moment I first set eyes on in back in 1996. I was a high school freshman at the time and I happen to discover this book:


Treehouses: The Art and Craft of Living Out on a Limb 

Peter Nelson (Author), David Larkin (Designer)


The cover picture was of a tree house built only a few hours from my home. I was at a complete, “Aw”, of the project.  I really wanted to see it or more importantly figure out how they built it and have one of my own.


I finally had a chance this last winter after Christmas to spend a few days somewhere with my boyfriend.  Since we were going to be spending our Christmas with my family up North, Hayfork, CA.  I figured why not stay somewhere close by and relax?


I happen to trip right over the website of the treehouse resort. I had to go there. I finally got my reservations setup.  I was so excited; I wanted to tell everyone where we were going to go. Yet, I decided to keep it a secret to make it more fun.  Plus, it wasn’t your basic resort, or bed and breakfast. I didn’t want anyone to think it was uncool or childish and talk my boyfriend out of wanting to go.  We did tell our parents last minute before heading to the treehouses where we were headed. No one quite knew what we were talking about until they saw pictures later.


Now, it was winter and it snows in winter, and it happened to snow while we were staying in our tree house the one from the cover of the book, “The Peacock Perch”. This was also the 20 yr anniversary of the “Peacock Perch.”  This was also the resorts first treehouse.  It was an awesome feeling to be able to cross off this landmark goal of mine from my: “My life goals list”.   We had a great time, and would love to go again with a group of people.


If any of you out there dream of sleeping in a “real” treehouse this is your chance. Or if you have children that dream about such things, this would be a fun memory opportunity.


Check out their website and see what else they offer!

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